Sunday 29 April 2012

Pilgrimage in Africa / African Petra

Called "AFRICAN PETER" Lalibela is among the greatest African-Christian religious sites of the African continent and perhaps even in the Christian world. Lalibela is located in northern Ethiopia, East Africa. International flights to Addis Ababa is where you can catch an internal flight to travel 640 kilometers to Lalibela. In Addis Ababa, the average temperature is 24 degrees, but the location of Lalibela at high altitude reduces the heat of 16 degrees. Nighttime temperatures can drop to just above zero.

Although passengers ages are returning to their homelands with tales of fabulous and enigmatic carved stone churches of the place remains little known and mysterious. Located high in the wild and rugged mountain ample Lalibela remains isolated. Even in our time covering the distance by land has a long and severe. Arriving in a small town is palpable. Churches, whose roofs are level with the ground, are carved in rock cores. They do Lalibela most unusual and remarkable holy place. The sight of slaves dressed in priests, floating in dim lighting galleries and tunnels, and their chant, audible from hidden crypts and caves. Such an impression left eleven medieval churches remained unchanged over the centuries.
Hermits inhabit roughly shaped holes located inside the rock, steeped in the smell of incense and wax candles. There attracting exotic fragrance and hermits indulge in quiet study. There are large flows of constant worshipers praying for health, wealth and luck. During the holidays flow of people traveling for days to arrive in the small town. Echo songs and dances from every angle, and the town is decorated in bright and beautiful clothes of the participants. Viewers felt that returned six or seven centuries back in time. Everything looks Bible because Ethiopia is the second country adopted Christianity and has a strong relationship to religion. The churches of Lalibela inspire awe. Portuguese priest Francisco Alvarez, who visited them in the 16th century, describes the following "buildings like that, and so many can not be found anywhere else in the world." Scientists believe that it took 40,000 people to build these churches. Locals say that it has become a divine power.
Ethiopian Christmas Leddet each year is from 6 to January 7 and is particularly appropriate time to visit Lalibela.
Two weeks 'historical time'
Days 1-2
From Addis Ababa to fly directly to Lalibela. See the amazing processes in celebration of Christmas among churches carved into the rocks. Spend a few days crawling around the city, where churches are like hidden jewels among bare Ethiopian landscape.
Days 4-6
Back in Addis Ababa and look stunning desire, which is one of the biggest outdoor markets in Africa. In this market you can buy everything from precious metals to camels. Visit the city museums. National Museum is especially important in those fossil remains of the ancient human ancestor. Look for any Ethiopian pub or watch a performance of typical Ethiopian dance, taste the local food.
Day 7-10
Join a boat trip to the isolated monasteries in the islands of Lake Tana in Bahir Dar and visit the spectacular waterfalls of Blue Nile.
Day 11-13
Go by plane to Gondar, which is known as Ethiopian Camelot because many castles. Take a drive to the beautiful mountains Simienski where you can walk, to ride the ox cart to make a picnic and see natural attractions.
Day 14-15
Continue to Axum by air, land highly Kingdom in the third century and examine the ruins of princely palaces and tombs.

  •  If you want to be here during the celebrations, you can arrange travel at least several months in advance.
  •  Đ¢aste of the local tipple heavy - strong honey wine ever invented specifically for Ethiopian kings, which is known to Lalibela.
  •  Do not wear shorts and t-shirts when visiting churches. With suitable clothes with long sleeves and legs.
  •  Hire a qualified driver, so you get more out of your visit, and to reject intrusive traders.

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