Friday 27 April 2012

National Park Simien, Ethiopia / East Africa /

Raw and mountain, Ethiopia is a paradise for adventurers. This country has beautiful scenery, people are very hospitable, and the sense of history is everywhere. Located in the northern region of Africa, equidistant from the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, Ethiopia is the oldest nation on the continent. It is a unique travel destination with many attractions that can not be found anywhere else in the world.

When you get off the plane in the capital Addis Ababa, you will immediately feel that you are in a different world. Addis Ababa means "new flower" and this name is well-deserved because the city is one of the most beautiful in Africa. Comfortable hotel prices here are lower than other parts of the world.

We suggest you securely tie your shoes to better accommodate his knapsack on his back and discover with us unsuspected world of mountain Simi! In a continent where there savannah, jungle and desert, nature is not saved and the snowy peaks! Yes, Simien Park is one of the few places in Africa where it snows.
Millennia Ethiopian plateau in East Africa is riddled with massive erosion. As a consequence, has created one of the most picturesque landscapes in the world. Monument and World Heritage by UNESCO. Mountains in the park are the result of volcanic activity in the past . Ras Dashen (4620 meters) the highest peak in Ethiopia and the fourth highest on the African continent, it is located in Simien mountains.
Simien Park is a rocky massif cut by lush pastures, broad valleys, gullies and canyons. In the lower areas of the park is allowed agriculture and grazing cattle. In wooded areas and high in the mountains grow various grasses. Also beautiful giant flowers bloom. Visions that breath combined with some extremely rare animals.Bumps are called "bleeding heart" because of blood-red breasts bared. Secretive fox, Ethiopian wolf and large birds of prey such as vultures (Gypateus barbatus). Simien National Park has an area of ​​22.500 square kilometers, and was founded in 1969. The main purpose of the park is to protect the last 1,000 species of wild goat ibex. They inhabit the protected area and found nowhere else in the world.
Infrastructure in the area is good. The field can procure equipment, qualified mountain guide and provisions. Simien Measles is near the equator, but the high peaks retain snow. Night temperatures often fall below zero, so tourists should prepare for extreme weather conditions. Hiking in the park are a real treat for amazing views, picturesque vegetation and rare species. Access to the park is extremely easy. If you start from Debark located 101 km from Gondar, the park will reach Simien. When you enter the park through the barrier will almost immediately notice the buildings of mud and buy hay, they speak the local population.

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